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DPRD Barsel Sepakat Kepengurusan Dana Hibah Dikelola pada Dinas Bappeda Ketua Komisi I DPRD Barsel Harapkan Dukcapil Lebih Efektif pada Pemilu Tahun 2023 Mendatang Ingkar Janji, Pemkab HSU Berbalik Arah Tolak Eksekusi Putusan MA Pasar Alabio Jual BBM ke Wadah Jerigen, SPBU PT. Talenta Barito Jaya Disegel Pertamina Orang Ganguan Mental Diamankan Pol PP dan Damkar Kapuas

Uncategorized · 9 Jun 2021 17:15 WIB ·

The Doctor Will See You Now-and Vaccinate You

 Even for those without chronic conditions, routine doctor visits are important to stay healthy and strong.An in-person doctor visit is not only safe, it is now an excellent opportunity to get the COVID-19 vaccine Perbesar

Even for those without chronic conditions, routine doctor visits are important to stay healthy and strong.An in-person doctor visit is not only safe, it is now an excellent opportunity to get the COVID-19 vaccine

The data for the safety and effectiveness of the various COVID-19 vaccines continue to rise, and cases continue to fall as more individuals get vaccinated. If you or someone you love has been hesitant to get vaccinated, take the opportunity now to learn more and take action to protect your health and the health of those around you.

The American Heart Association encourages individuals who may have skipped doctor visits for chronic conditions or general checkups during the pandemic to make those appointments, and they can get vaccinated, too.”It is safe to go to the doctor for wellness exams and for treatment for existing health conditions. Health care professionals have plans to keep you and medical staff safe even during a pandemic,” according to Donald M. Lloyd-Jones, M.D., 2021-2022 volunteer president of the American Heart Association.Individuals with chronic conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease can safely continue with checkups, which are essential to maintaining health.

Even for those without chronic conditions, routine doctor visits are important to stay healthy and strong.An in-person doctor visit is not only safe, it is now an excellent opportunity to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Many doctors’ offices are receiving doses of COVID-19 vaccines that can be given quickly and easily in the office setting. Vaccination is especially important for individuals with chronic conditions who are at increased risk for serious complications from COVID-19 if they get sick.Children ages 12 years and older are now eligible for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and the American Heart Association encourages parents to get their children vaccinated, too.

Doing so will help slow the spread of the virus and allow children to resume more of their normal pre-pandemic activities.For those who still do not feel comfortable with a doctor’s office visit, take advantage of the expanded options for online checkups and check-ins via Zoom, FaceTime, or other platforms. The health care community is here to help everyone be well and live their best life.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fully-vaccinated individuals can resume most of their pre-pandemic lifestyle and activities, while continuing to follow any local guidance.For the latest information about how you can get healthy, stay healthy and protect you and your family from COVID-19, visit

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