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DPRD Barsel Sepakat Kepengurusan Dana Hibah Dikelola pada Dinas Bappeda Ketua Komisi I DPRD Barsel Harapkan Dukcapil Lebih Efektif pada Pemilu Tahun 2023 Mendatang Ingkar Janji, Pemkab HSU Berbalik Arah Tolak Eksekusi Putusan MA Pasar Alabio Jual BBM ke Wadah Jerigen, SPBU PT. Talenta Barito Jaya Disegel Pertamina Orang Ganguan Mental Diamankan Pol PP dan Damkar Kapuas

Uncategorized · 9 Jun 2021 20:07 WIB ·

Babyproofing Made Easy At Home and On the Go

 Babyproofing Made Easy At Home and On the Go Perbesar

Parenting has been described as “the toughest job you’ll ever love,” and figuring out how to keep your baby safe can be one of the most difficult elements of parenting. Child safety in the home is especially important as the ongoing coronavirus pandemic keeps more young children at home for longer periods of time.

“The best way to conduct a home safety check is to get down on all fours and look up at the world from the point of view of a crawling child,” says Carolyn Ziegler, co-founder and product development director for Dreambaby.®

“It’s amazing the hidden dangers you will identify,” she adds.

The right child safety products are designed to make life easier for parents while keeping children safer at home and on the go.

Dreambaby® is a family-owned company with more than 20 years of experience in developing affordable, easy-to-use safety products.

With more young children at home (and more parents still working from home), safety products such as the Lever Door Lock from Dreambaby® provides peace of mind for parents by preventing curious children from exploring potentially dangerous areas of the house, such as laundry rooms, basements, or garages. The lock fits most lever-door handles, and can easily be engaged and disengaged by adults without the need for a key.

The arrival and increased distribution of coronavirus vaccines means that more people are venturing out of the house, and taking their babies with them. But child safety doesn’t stop at the front door.

The Dreambaby® Non-Contact Rapid Response Infrared Forehead Thermometer provides a reliable reading within seconds of holding the device approximately one inch from the skin, so parents and caregivers can determine immediately whether fever is present.

Once you are out and about, the Dreambaby® Oxford Baby Carrier keeps your baby more secure, comfortable, and close to you. The carrier is designed to be worn three ways, with baby in front facing inward, in front facing outward, or riding backpack style with the carrier strapped on the parent or caregiver’s back. Special features include an ergonomic design, easily adjustable and removable headrest, padded shoulder straps, lumbar support, and breathable mesh lining.

Visit for more information about ways to keep your children safer, healthier, and happier.

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