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DPRD Barsel Sepakat Kepengurusan Dana Hibah Dikelola pada Dinas Bappeda Ketua Komisi I DPRD Barsel Harapkan Dukcapil Lebih Efektif pada Pemilu Tahun 2023 Mendatang Ingkar Janji, Pemkab HSU Berbalik Arah Tolak Eksekusi Putusan MA Pasar Alabio Jual BBM ke Wadah Jerigen, SPBU PT. Talenta Barito Jaya Disegel Pertamina Orang Ganguan Mental Diamankan Pol PP dan Damkar Kapuas

Video · 27 Agu 2021 04:31 WIB ·

Apples and Bananas 2 + More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs – CoComelon

Subscribe for new videos every week!…
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent songs, “Apples and Bananas 2”!

Watch our playlists:
Kids Songs by CoCoMelon…
Nursery Rhymes in 3D…

Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below:
0:08 Apples and Bananas 2
3:42 Wheels on the Bus
7:14 The Duck Hide and Seek Song
10:01 The Color Song (Ice Pops)
14:32 Humpty Dumpty
16:59 First Day of School
19:45 The More We Get Together
22:36 Sorry, Excuse Me
26:30 The Thank You Song
29:34 Teacher Song
32:36 Are You Sleeping
34:49 Winter Song

About Cocomelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.

Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories.

We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch!


Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.

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